Reproductive Rights Resources!

Reproductive Rights Resources!

I am disgusted by the Court’s decision to gut abortion rights, contrary to the beliefs of the majority of Americans. The far-right majority on the bench is confirming our worst fears, and I am devastated. I want to be crystal clear: restricting access to abortion DOES NOT prevent abortions, it prevents SAFE abortions. I recognize my privilege and know that abortion restrictions will disproportionately impact low-income communities, People of Color, and the LGBTQIA+ communities, to name a few, because of structural racism and existing inequities. Overturning Roe has not only opened the floodgates to the gutting other crucial liberties, but it has made a mockery of the Supreme Court.

ADHD Resources

Children & Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) CHADD also has an amazing resource guide to help you find ADHD mental health professionals in your area! Attention Deficit Disorder Association National Institute of Mental Health ADDitude...