Take Time to Be Proud of Yourself
No matter what year of law school you’re in, surviving law school is really freaking hard, and you need to take time to be proud of what you’re doing. I know that at least for me, it is easy to always be thinking about the next thing. But make sure you stop and reflect on what you’ve accomplished and ways you’ve improved. Law School is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but I forget that far too often.
Reflect on What You Can Improve On
I remember being disappointed in my grades last January, which contributed to my post winter break blues, and made me feel dumb and unworthy of being a law student. You have to remember though, law school is full of smart people just like you, and a harsh curve is used, and so it is not realistic to think you will get straight A’s (even if you have had a 4.0 up until law school!!).
While you might be upset about a B, that grade might be higher than 50% of your classmates! And with the exception of Big Law, not getting perfect grades is NOT going to get in the way of having an amazing career!
And please remember that grades DO NOT DEFINE YOU and are not an actual indication of your intelligence. If it is any consolation, I have had a few internships since starting law school, and was not asked for my grades or transcript.
However, it is important to keep pushing yourself to be better. If you are unhappy with your performance on exams, see if you can meet with your professors for feedback to see what you need to improve on. If you were unhappy with your time management, work on planning and organization. If you were stressed about outlining at the end of the semester, start outlining earlier this semester.
Exercise & Eat Healthy
I know I know, this is the most annoying thing to hear. But eating like shit and never moving your body is only going to make you feel worse. Try taking small steps to be healthier overall. For me, if I’m not going to workout, then I try to walk my dog for longer. Or if I know I’ll order takeout if I don’t cook, but I’m super busy, then I’ll stock up on healthier options like Trader Joe’s frozen meals or salad kits.
Make Time for What Made You Happy Before Law School
It can be so hard to continue to make time for what you love in law school, but it is crucial to your happiness and wellbeing. For me, I loved reading for fun before law school, but stopped as soon as I started 1L year. When I started reading for fun again, it drastically improved my mood. I made time for it by reading when I could, even if it was just for 10 minutes before bed.
Try to Stay Ahead on Work for the Spring Semester
It is so hard to stay motivated when you’re feeling sad or depressed. I like to focus on dedication over motivation, because you are not always going to be motivated. If you fall behind in school, you will feel much worse I promise you. So kick of the semester on a good note and make sure you are staying ahead on your readings and assignments. Reading a week ahead is something I have talked about several times, because it really is my top tip for law school. Not only does it help you stay ahead, but it reduces stress caused by trying to finish your readings at the last minute. Also, if you are a week ahead on readings and then have a bad day where you need to lay in bed or cry or be lazy or whatever it is, you have the ability to do so because your reading for the next day is already done.
Remember: Law School is NOT Life or Death
It can be so hard to get wrapped up in the constant stress and anxiety that law school causes. But at the end of the day, it is just school. You know that quote about a lawyer graduating last in their class at the worst law school in the country still being a lawyer? You will get through this, and be so much stronger because of it. It is so easy to fall into a spiral of self doubt and depreciation in law school. Try to limit the negative self talk. You are not stupid if you get a bad grade.
Pain is relative, and I completely believe that no matter what others are going through, your pain is valid. However, please try to remember that the problems law school may cause are not life or death. Even if you decide law school isn’t for you and you drop out, you will find your path and be okay! Last January after winter break, I was severely struggling with my mental health. It was hard for me to imagine ever being happier while in law school. But here I am a year later, MUCH happier and content. This too shall pass.
I hope you all enjoyed this post, even if it’s a bit more serious. Feel free to reach out to me via email anytime! thelegalconfidential@gmail.com. Come back next Tuesday for a new post, or sign up for my email list to be notified!