Finals are quickly approaching, and these last few weeks of the semester always seem to fly by. Today I’m sharing my top 5 tips for studying early for law school finals to set yourself up for success and take some of the stress off during reading/ finals week.

Finish outlining BEFORE reading week
I know many people wait until reading week to even begin outlining. That stresses me out just thinking about it. I’m a huge fan of outlining throughout the semester, and finishing my outlines before reading week. This allows me to spend my time during reading/ finals week doing hypos and practice exams instead of still trying to compile the information learned throughout the semester.
Stay on top of any papers due
It can be so easy to forget about deadlines for research papers when you’re busy studying for finals. But make sure you stay on top of these deadlines and get your papers done ASAP to maximize time available for studying.
Take advantage of office hours
Take advantage of office hours now! During finals week professors are so busy and you will likely have a lengthy wait during office hours. So get any questions you have now answered!
Create a study plan
Take a close look at the dates of your finals and make a comprehensive attack plan to figure out when you’re going to study for each class. This is crucial to avoid over or understudying and making sure your don’t focus too much on a specific class.
Start utilizing supplements if you haven’t already
If you are not taking full advantage of supplements, you need to do so. Quimbee, Examples & Explanations, and Commercial Outlines are all amazing for gaining a deeper understanding of the law. You should utilize these resources now instead of waiting until finals week, and it will make your life easier I swear.