Best Resources for Law Students

by | Mar 31, 2020 | 1L

I wanted to make a list of some helpful resources that I really wish I knew about earlier and have been helpful in law school. These are things I just had to find through trial and error, because these aren’t resources that your professors or school will tell you about. I hope you find these helpful and enjoy the post!

  1. Quimbee – Guys. Not to be dramatic, but Quimbee is probably one of the best things to ever happen for law students. This is a resource you have to pay for but it is SO WORTH it! I have the gold plan which is $24 per month or $192 annually. I’d recommend the gold plan becuase you can access all of the resources such as case briefs, outlines, videos about cases and topics, practice exam questions and sample essay answers, and practice multiple-choice questions. I use all of the resources but the one I use the most is the case briefs and videos. After reading a case, I usually review the brief on Quimbee to make sure I didn’t miss anything important. I also really like the videos on specific topics because these can help me understand something that didn’t make sense in class. Each video has practice questions at the end which are great, and they also come in handy when studying for finals. Check out Quimbee here:
  2. Lexis law school briefs – Lexis also has case briefs for a lot of cases. These are helpful because occasionally a brief isn’t on Quimbee. Also, if a case is particularly difficult I will read the brief on Quimbee and Lexis.
  3. Lexis citation checker – Another reason that I like Lexis significantly more than Westlaw is because of the citation checker. You can download this to word on both Mac and Windows, and when you are writing in Word, you can double-check to make sure your citations are correct. Try not to rely on this too much and write your citations using the Bluebook first, but this is helpful for catching minor errors.
  4. Georgetown Bluebook Citation Information – In my legal research and writing class we did a ton of work on citations, and there were several topics that I found very confusing and needed extra help with. This is a great resource for clarifying confusing topics.
  5. Barbri – Barbri is most commonly known for their bar exam review programs. But, they also offer a “1L Mastery Course” which is free. They have outlines for all of the first-year doctrinal courses and they also have videos and practice exam questions. This is a great resource if you don’t want to pay for Quimbee, but I still find Quimbee to be much more helpful.

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